Friday 15 April 2022

Visual schedule

Always always finding new charts in an attempt to motivate me, keep me on track and promote a consistent working practice. Here is the latest effort.

Thursday 26 August 2021


Not sure if I want to commit to all the clubs and tuition groups that I have signed up S For...?
Right now after struggling with a year 1 English paper I decided to put her on reading eggs. With supervision she could actually learnt quite a lot in terms of exposure to lots of text. It's just keeping her off the silly nursery rhymes and side games that they have available, keep her on task! This is yr 2 now.

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Journaling Resource

 Yesterday was a lovely day in the park where a few of us got together for a picnic. I thought I could link the outing to our topic this month and talk about the enviroment and recycling. We tried to use paper plates and cups wherel0ooiiiihhhhhhgggh humiliation jvniiyfdrrrrd possible and disposed of what we could in an orange recycling bag. 

Get this here

Journal about daily experiences with this worksheet. I was too tired after the picnic yesterday to journal about it but I intend to make this a daily habit. I have a reluctant writer so any thing that is motivational for her to write is a bonus!

Thursday 22 July 2021



Planning. Sources of Inspiration!💭

Each month there are 4 topics kinda related to each other. I had counted the number of weeks and decided to think of a different topic for each week. This is too much and we are not a school. If we are inpired by recycling for example and we want to dive deep into that then we should not be bound by the dictates of the planning sheet. There is so much to learn. The sources of inspiration planner can be used as a prompt and a reference to see where topics can overlap and connect and to see what may have been missed.

I think our goal should be to broaden the childrens horizons as much as possible without overwhelm and without limiting the imagination or dampening their intrinsic motivation for learning.

This brainstorm image helps with mid term planning and gets specific about what activites might be appropriate for the topic.

Visual schedule

Always always finding new charts in an attempt to motivate me, keep me on track and promote a consistent working practice. Here is the lates...